Eric P wrote:
I remember now why static content works for my ROOT app.  I have
Apache aliases set-up pointing to specific system directories for all
static content.

For example, I have all images for the ROOT app aliased here.
Alias /img /opt/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/img
<Directory "/opt/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/img">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

But is there a better approach for this so that I don't have to create
static content aliases for each new Tomcat app I deploy?  I would be
stuck using a unique alias for every app which seems crazy.


2012/1/13 Eric P <>:
Hi all,

I'm having trouble getting Apache to serve static content (jpg, css, js, etc.) 
for Tomcat apps via mod_jk for any
application except the ROOT Tomcat app.  The ROOT app shows static content just 

I have the following Apache settings attempting to point *all* requests to 
Tomcat and unsetting certain static content
extensions so that Apache will serve them.

# Send everything to Tomcat
JkMount /* ajp13

# And then unsend static content so that httpd will serve it
JkUnMount /*.js ajp13
JkUnMount /*.css ajp13
JkUnMount /*.jpg ajp13
JkUnMount /*.png ajp13
JkUnMount /*.gif ajp13

These settings work for the ROOT Tomcat app but not for anything else including 
Tomcat's manager app.

FYI. when I access via Tomcat's port/web server everything works.
E.g., http://localhost:8080/manager/html

But not when I access via port 80.
E.g., http://localhost/manager/html

I"m seeing a 404 Not Found for all static content via port 80/Apache (again, 
the only exception is any static content
belonging to the ROOT Tomcat app).  I'm experiencing the exact same behavior on 
both an Ubuntu and CentOS.

1) Not a direct answer, but you may want to have a look at this alternative way to set up mod_jk proxying in Apache httpd :
at the very bottom of the page, the section :
Using SetHandler and Environment Variables

If you are familiar with the Apache httpd configuration style, this may be somewhat easier than the JkMount/JkUnMount syntax. (I personally prefer this alternative because I find that it fits better with the usual Apache configuration style, it allows me to use <Location> and <LocationMatch>, and it allows me to use other Apache directives (e.g. authentication-related) within such sections.)

2) This being said and joining another comment : if you are proxying everything else to Tomcat anyway, you may want to simplify your life and use Tomcat directly as the webserver for everything (including static content). Tomcat is just as fast for that as Apache, and you save yourself the overhead of Apache httpd and mod_jk; but mainly you would be simplifying your configuration.

3) In your explanation above, you mention JkMount and JkUnMount, but you are not saying where these instructions appear. If you are using Apache VirtualHosts, you may want to check that your Jk(Un)Mount instructions are properly "transferred" between the main host and the virtual ones. Look up "JkMountCopy".

4) About aliasing : aliasing your Tomcat webapp directories in Apache (thus allowing Apache direct access to them) is a bad idea : by doing this, you completely circumvent whatever security may be implemented in Tomcat.
See the note at the very beginning of the same page

(It is also not portable of course if you ever move that Tomcat - but not Apache - to another host).

5) You may also want to replace some lines as follows :

>> # Send everything to Tomcat
>> JkMount /* ajp13
>> # And then unsend static content so that httpd will serve it
>> JkUnMount /*.js ajp13
>> JkUnMount /*.css ajp13
>> JkUnMount /*.jpg ajp13
>> JkUnMount /*.png ajp13
>> JkUnMount /*.gif ajp13

>> # Send everything to Tomcat
>> JkMount /* ajp13
>> # And then unsend static content so that httpd will serve it
>> JkUnMount /*.js ajp13   <-- for the ROOT webapp
>> JkUnMount /*/*.js ajp13 <-- for the other webapps
>> JkUnMount /*.css ajp13
>> JkUnMount /*/*.css ajp13

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