On 25/01/2012 07:40, sri laxmi wrote:
> Hi,
> am installing tomcat6.0,for that i download tomcat6.0 and unzip in C driver,
> and next i set the environment variables ,
> and next
> for starting apache tomcati used inthe following commands in the command 
> promt,
>  C:\>cdapache*
> C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.35>cdbin
> C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.35\bin>startup.bat
>                            Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME
> environment variable is defined  At least one of these environment
> variable is needed to run this program
> it is showing the  above , for that what should i do?

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>  please could  anybody help me?



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