ummm im really sorry =[

2012/1/27, André Warnier <>:
> Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
>> For facility your understaing, you can do exactly that:
>> Apache Front:
>> Edit the configuration of the VirtualHost for this domain, example:
>> /etc/apache2/sites-enable/000-default
>> <VirtualHost *:443>
>> #ServerName
>> ProxyRequests Off
>> ProxyPreserveHost On
>> RewriteEngine On
>> ProxyPass / http://some_ip:8080/
>> ProxyPassReverse / http://some_ip:8080/
> Luciano,
> it is very nice of you to want to help another user on the list.
> But maybe you should really read and understand the problem first.
> Monika's problem is not with proxying per se, nor with SSL.
> It is with a link to an XSL document, inside a page returned by her Tomcat
> application.
> André
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