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On 1/28/12 8:32 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> Not good news.  I changed every resource statement in server.xml
> to something like this:
> <Resource* testOnBorrow="true" validateQuery="SELECT 
> 1"*name="jdbc/xxxxxxx" auth="Container"
> type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30"
> maxWait="10000" removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="60"
> logAbandoned="true" username="xxxxxxxx" password="xxxxxxxx"
> driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" 
> url="jdbc:mysql://"/>
> Zero change.  I'm still getting the exact same error message
> telling me the connection has expired and I should use
> autoReconnect to fix it.

Try "validationQuery". Precision counts.

> First question... is the syntax above correct?  (I saw some
> resource tag examples that used nested  <parameter> tags and other
> examples that use attributes on resource tag like above.  I
> couldn't find a definitive specification to use one over the other.
> Is the way I have it ok?

<parameter> is from old versions of Tomcat. You were reading old

> Second question.... I like to turn on debug/trace for the
> connector.  But the connector/j doc lists a ton of parameters for
> debug, and I don't have a clue how to set all of them.  Can someone
> just give me a canned config I can add that'll trace what's going
> on in the connector?

All those configuration parameters go into the JDBC URL just like
autoReconnect does.

> I'm basically at a loss.  If the configuration above is correct,
> and I'm still getting expired connections, I don't know what else
> to do.  If indeed TC 7 changed from round-robin to LIFO, it might
> explain why it started hitting stale connections.  But that still
> doesn't explain why testOnBorrow, validateQuery, and
> autoReconnect=true don't seem to do anything on stale connections.

Forget about autoReconnect.

- -chris
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