Hi Daniel,

i've configured my apache 2.2 server in https an my tomcat nodes with ajp.
Now my test web app work fine but i'm unable to find a configuration for
SingleSignOn in cluster.

Please help me :-)

Thanks a lot.
> On Tue, 2012-01-31 at 09:52 -0800, Riccardo Venittelli wrote:
>> Hy,
>> I download tomcat 7.0.22 and apache server 2.2 on windows xp
>> professional
>> 32 bit.
>> I have made a cluster configuration with 2 server(tomcat) and a load
>> balancer (apache) and everithing works fine.
>> Now i need to use https protocol over clustering,
> I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this.  Can you elaborate?
> If you are referring to accepting incoming HTTP requests via HTTPS,
> there is nothing special that needs to be done.
> You would just configure Apache HTTPD to accept incoming HTTPS requests.
> It would handle the encryption and then proxy the requests to the
> appropriate node in your cluster.
> Ex (ASCII graphic, hope it displays OK):
>                                      ----> Tomcat Node 1
>             (HTTPS)                  |
>  Client --------------> Apache HTTPD ----> Tomcat Node 2
>                                      |
>                                      ----> Tomcat Node N
> Dan
>> but i'm unable to find
>> any documentation about clustering and https.
>> Thanks a lot.
>> Riccardo Venittelli

Riccardo Venittelli

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