   I'm a newbie with an inherited apache-tomcat-6.0.33 installation.
   The host server is a 64 bit Centos 5 (2.6.18-274.3.1.el5) install.
   I'm having trouble accessing the tomcat manager-gui from an
   internet-based browser access.  As near as I can determine this was
   a standard/default installation of tomcat.  I have root access but
   lack the knowledge of how to use it to advantage here.

   I've added the following lines:
      <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
      <user username="Myadmin" password="HereOmitted" roles="standard,manager-gui" 
   between the
   <tomcat-users>  and  </tomcat-users>   lines of the 

   When attempting to access the manager on my server from the web as:
       http://xx.yy.co:8080/manager/list  (where xx and yy are legitimate
       parts of my server's domain)
   I am prompted with a login popup requesting user name and password under the
   label of:
      A username and password are being requested by http://xx.yy.co:8080.
      The site says: "Tomcat Manager Application"
   I (carefully) enter the username (Myadmin in my example above) and password
   (HereOmitted in my example above) but am repeatedly rejected.
   I find nothing in the tomcat 6.0 manager-gui documentation to indicate
   that I need to restart tomcat to get the new username/password configuration
   info to take effect.  Since this is a production system, a restart can only
   be accomplished at certain times, if that is needed.
   I do not see nor do I know if there should be evidence of a tomcat
   manager thread/process.

   So, I'm looking for help on whatever I've missed in the config and/or
   initial startup of the manager-gui.


>> Mark J. Potts, PhD
>> HPC Applications Inc.
>> phone: 512-228-1721 Bus
>>        512-828-6153 Fax
>> email: po...@hpcapplications.com
>>        po...@excray.com

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