2012/2/14 Matthew Doucette <madouce...@web.com>:
> Are there known Tomcat 6.0 and JDK 1.7.0_02 issues?
> I know this is a hard question to answer, if the answer is no. But I
> need to ask just in case the answer is yes. Also I will accept any
> solutions to the issues below as answers. Please just share whatever
> issues you have had, and I will update this question if need be.
> Issues:
> Some issues I have run into since upgrading from JDK 1.7.0 to 1.7.0_02
> (which I did to avoid the Eclipse's help menus from crashing, due to a
> Java 1.7.0 bug.):
> *       Tomcat server takes much longer to start, I need a 120 second
> timeout to handle it.
> *       FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized,
> jvmtiError=AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197) error, which disappeared the
> next day and then reappeared the third day, with no changes other than
> reloading Eclipse.
> *       Tomcat server takes much longer to shut down. I need a 60 second
> timeout to handle it, from 15 second default.
> *       Eclipse itself appears to crawl to a halt (figuratively
> speaking) upon building the workspace and validating the project at
> hand. Everything within Eclipse appears to take longer, even opening an
> unopened file.
> Everything seems suspicious.
> P.S. JDK 1.7.0_02 is also known as 1.7.0u2, Java SE 7u2, Java SE 7
> Update 2, etc.
> Versions:
> *       JDK = Oracle, 64-bit, downloaded from
> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html.
> Exact file downloaded and installed was jdk-7u2-windows-x64.exe.
> *       Tomcat = Tomcat 6.0.33, downloaded separately from Eclipse
> *       Eclipse = Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers., Version:
> Indigo Release, Eclipse Platform, Version:
> 3.7.0.v20110530-9gF7UHNFFt4cwE-pkZDJ7oz-mj4OSEIlu9SEv0f, Build id:
> I20110613-1736.
> *       64-bit Windows 7 machine

1. There is "Allow the BIO HTTP connector to be used with SSL when
running under Java 7." fix in 6.0.34 and 7.0.22.  (It is mentioned in
the changelog)!

2. Tomcat 7 scans jars for tag libraries, web fragments etc. There is
exclusion list in catalina.properties file, but if some new jars are
not listed there Tomcat may waste its time scanning them. Tomcat 7
logs a message if some scanned jars do not have tag libraries.

3. Tomcat 7 uses SecureRandom for session id, https etc. On some JRE
versions its startup is slow and depends on entropy being available.
It can be improved by selecting another source of entropy by setting
certain system property at startup or by changing JRE security
configuration - see other threads in archives. Tomcat 7 logs a message
if session manager initialization is slow.

1. It you observe such "slow startup" issues the first thing to do is
to make several (3) thread dumps in a row to find what Tomcat threads
are actually doing. Take more detailed look at the logs that are
printed during Tomcat startup to find where the time is spent.
2. If more people use Tomcat with Java 7 and report issues, the more
likely the issues will be fixed.

> *       Eclipse itself appears to crawl to a halt (figuratively
> speaking) upon building the workspace and validating the project at
> hand. Everything within Eclipse appears to take longer, even opening an
> unopened file.

There must be some objective data like running the same test suite on
Java 7 vs Java 6.

I can tell the same about my Eclipse 3.7.1 that I run on Java 6u30.
Sometimes it is slower than I want it to be. Especially with
operations that require processing/deleting a lot of files. The JRE is
not likely the cause behind it.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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