I have several tasks that needs to run periodically as part of an overall
web application solution... some every few minutes and some once a day.  I
know it's technically not a requirement that it run in a web container.
But it needs all off the resources and database connections, etc just like
the rest of the web app.  I currently have a servlet that starts a timer in
the servlet init:

aTimer = new Timer( true );
aTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate( new MyTimerTask(), getFirstTime(), getPeriod()

The timer task has a run method that (as far as I know) runs and exits.

This has all worked fine pre TC7.  But now I'm getting this error message:

A web application appears to have started a TimerThread named [Timer-114]
via the java.util.Timer API but has failed to stop it. To prevent a memory
leak, the timer (and hence the associated thread) has been forcibly

So.... is what I'm doing forbidden in official web container architecture?
(And now TC 7 has started enforcing the rules?)  Or is what I'm doing ok
and just somehow my timer task is getting caught in a loop a few times and
TC is just stopping it for that reason?

What are my options?  Is there a 'right' way to have a servlet run a task
periodically in a web app? (sample code anywhere?) I know I can set up a
standalone command line java app to do this one little task.  But then I'd
be stuck with a separate distribution file requiring setup, configuration,
and management outside of a WAR file for what in actuality is one
self-contained application.  I will forego J2EE purity at this point if
that's what's required and even risk the memory leak.  I just need to get
this back running again. If it's just a case of TC 7 now enforcing a rule,
is there any way to tell TC 7 to NOT do me these favors of stopping all
timer threads?

Please advise....



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