On Tue, 2012-02-28 at 11:09 -0800, Carl Kabbe wrote:
> Ranier,
> Thanks for your response and thoughts.
> > Are there normal shutdown messages in the Tomcat logs?
> No, the catalina.out log has our messages but none of the normal shutdown 
> stuff (we see the shutdown messaging every day when we push changes and 
> restart Tomcat at 4:00AM.)

Are you accessing any native code from Java?  For example using JNI /
JNA or a third party module which requires you to set


> Thanks,
> Carl
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:00 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
> > On 28.02.2012 19:47, Carl Kabbe wrote:
> >> Chuck and Chris,
> >> 
> >> Thanks for your replies.  Below is some information to your 
> >> questions/suggestions:
> >> 
> >>>> Check the kernel logs (e.g., /var/log/messages, /var/log/warn), not
> >>>> just the Tomcat ones.  Also, look for a JVM dump file
> >>>> (hs_err_pid*.log)
> >> 
> >> 
> >> I have and there is nothing in the messages file except accesses granted 
> >> to specific workstations coming in on ssh and sync'ing to a time server.  
> >> Neither of these have times that correspond to the crashes.
> >> 
> >> There are no hs_err_* files anywhere on the servers.
> >> 
> >>> Smells a lot like OOM killer.
> >>> 
> >>> Carl, you say you have a 2GiB heap. Are you using 32-bit or 64-bit
> >>> JVM? What about other large-memory processes on the same boxes? Do you
> >>> have other JVMs running or a database, etc.? Does the JVM die on any
> >>> kind of schedule?
> >> 
> >> 
> >> We are running 64 bit OS's (Slackware 13.x, the latest version.)
> >> 
> >> There are two other applications running on each of the boxes: 1) the 
> >> Apache James email server (localhost SMTP only) and 2) a small application 
> >> that serves reports.  They are both very small (the current server shows 
> >> 11GB+ free memory) and always survive theTomcat crashes.
> >> 
> >> These servers are only used for Tomcat (and the related James and report 
> >> serving app.)
> >> 
> >> Not on a timed schedule but usually during high traffic periods (usually, 
> >> but not always, as with last Friday.)
> > 
> > Are there normal shutdown messages in the Tomcat logs?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Rainer
> > 
> > 
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