Comment below

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 8:53 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Amit,
> On 3/7/12 12:12 AM, amit shah wrote:
> > I am using tomcat-jdbc.jar and tomcat-juli.jar from version
> > 7.0.26.
> >
> >> I don't see any place in setupConnection where an exception is
> >> swallowed, do you?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >>
> > Have a look at the public boolean validate(int
> > validateAction,String sql) method in PooledConnection class line no
> > - 445.
> > The validate method ignores any exception which is thrown while
> > validating the connection or executing the initSQL query.
> If you have debug logging enabled, it will log the exception. So,
> enable debug logging and try again. *shrug*
> > The createConnection() method in ConnectionPool class which calls
> > the validate() method returns null in such a case and hence it
> > leads to a null pointer exception in setupConnection method.
> >
> > Ignoring the exception in the validate() method may sound
> > appropriate (not sure for what reason though) but my point is that
> > it makes troubleshooting the issue a lot harder.
> Just turn on debug logging and you'll see the original exception. I
> think in this case, the error is quite fatal so checking for null and
> emitting some other error message would only be slightly more helpful
> to you, but the effect would be the same.

I understand that turning the log level to debug will display the original
exception. The point is in production environments the log level would be
by default info and it would take a longer time to understand the root

In our case, we execute a SP as an initSQL query, so the reasons why the
query fails would increase. Hence it would been easier if the validate()
method throws the exception instead of ignoring it.

Do you see any issues in throwing the exception right there?

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