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I'm sure this has nothing to do with Tomcat, but I figured I'd ask if
anyone has seen anything like this before.

We use a couple of ant scripts to start and stop Tomcat on our Linux
machines. Ultimately, they always call bin/catalina.sh to do the real
work or startup or shutdown.

Shutdowns are performed by connecting to the shutdown port and saying
SHUTDOWN -- there's no process ids or running 'kill' or anything like

For some reason, our Cocoon instances specifically seem to be having a
hard time shutting down: they just sit forever. Tomcat appears to have
stopped: all request processor threads have stopped and even the main
thread has stopped. All threads are deamons except for this one:

"DestroyJavaVM" prio=10 tid=0x00007fa528a77800 nid=0x4b2a waiting on
condition [
   java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE

No stack trace other than what's shown there: waiting on 0x0, which
I'm guessing is a condition that is always false.

The only other threads still alive are Cocoon-related and are
basically cache-watchers, all sitting idle (again, daemon threads).
I'd post the whole thread dump but I already killed the process and
forgot to save the dump. This is in a development environment so I
wasn't too concerned with capturing everything about it at the time.

Here is my environment:
Debian Linux 6.0 (Squeeze) kernel 2.6.32-312-ec2 SMP x86_64
Sun/Oracle Java 1.6.0_26 64-bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)
Tomcat 6.0.35 (though certainly irrelevant)

I'm not using APR, but I do happen to be using BIO/AJP.

Can anyone shed any light on what might be happening?

- -chris
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