I have downloaded OpenSSL under Windows wich required me to install Visual C++ 
2008 Redistributable and i did it then i added the "C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin" to my 
environement variable PATH, now the "openssl" command work very well in the 
cmd.exe (it give me "OpenSSL>"), so i wanna generate the X.509 certificate 
format, what should i do now ?! is there any examples please ?!
Thanks :)

> APR uses PEM-formatted X.509 certificate format and keys are in
> separate text blocks. Use OpenSSL to generate such certificates.
> Java uses JKS (Java Key Store) format and all keys are in a bundle.
> Use keytool to generate such certificates.
> In either case, keys can be imported-into or exported-out of JKS
> stores and converted to/from PEM-formatted key files.

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