>> Hello,
 >> I'm using the new Tomcat jdbc pool ( with Tomcat 6.0.32, Ubuntu
 >> x86_64.  I would like to increase the logging from the pool to try and
 >> chase down connection timeouts.
 >Where your "" comes from?
 >It is not an official release.
 >Released versions of jdbc-pool come with Tomcat 7 and share its
version numbers.
 >Best regards,
 >Konstantin Kolinko

iirc I copied the version number from the
tomcat-jdbc.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file and renamed the jar myself.
(Looking in the manifest now I see Bundle-Version:  I prefer
to avoid unversioned jar files in my project as it can cause confusion.

But I don't recall which version of Tomcat 7 I got the jar from.  Is the
best policy to always use the tomcat-jdbc jar from the latest version of
Tomcat 7?

Thank you,

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