Thaks for the info.. Was banging my head up against this cube wall! :)

However I don't see a windows installer for the x86 side on the tomcat 
site.  Is there  windows installer with all these as well? If so do you 
have a link?  can't seem to find one.

Brad Finkeldei
Systems Programmer - Websphere
AAA Missouri
12901 N Forty Drive
St. Louis, MO 63141

314-523-7350, extension 8377 
03/22/2012 11:18 AM
Please respond to
"Tomcat Users List" <>


Catalina.bat Not in BIN folder install of 7.0.23

I just installed Tomcat 7.0.23 and went to configure the catalina.bat file 

on a Windows machine and I can not find any of the files there.  I don't 
see it removed in the change log...or i missed that.

Any idea?
Where should it be?
Can I just bring over the catalina.bat file from a 7.0.22 install and use 
it on 7.0.23?


Brad Finkeldei

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