Pid wrote:
On 02/04/2012 12:37, DaveNoth wrote:
Yes,  On a company owned windows server we would control the server setup.
(What software is installed and how it is configured)   We are planning to
distribute to individually owned machines in which we can not control what
is installed. They may have software installed that interferes with a
TomCat/Web App setup.  We are hoping for someone who has had experiences
doing this that can provide "best practices" or Do's and Don'ts based upon
their experience. I also see that embedded TomCat may also be an option. Would that be a better approach? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Better approach than what?  You haven't really explained...

I'm not sure there'll be any best practices, beyond common sense ones.

Among those, I would suggest that you first read the FAQ entry about running Tomcat under Windows :
at least entries 9 and 10
This would give you an idea of what is actually running and how it all fits 

As a first checklist, I would look at the following :
- Tomcat is a java application, so it runs under a Java JVM. You will thus need to check if the host already has an installed JVM, and if yes, if it is compatible with your version of Tomcat. If not, you will need to install a JVM. - then you will need to set the appropriate paths so that the "service wrapper" (see above FAQs) uses that compatible JVM. - when installed as a Service, it also needs a unique Service name. I'd suggest naming it differently from the standard Tomcat installation Service name, to avoid conflicts if there is already one installed. - when running, Tomcat needs at least 2 "listen" ports, both of them configured in Tomcat's "server.xml" configuration file. One is the shutdown port, mentioned in the <Server> tag. The other is the port for the HTTP connector, mentioned in the corresponding <Connector .. protocol="HTTP/1.1"> tag. Tomcat will not start properly if it tries to open these listen ports, and some other software on the target machine is already using them. (For example, another webserver already using port 80). - under Windows 7 and beyond, you'll also need to make sure that the installation does not run afoul of bothersome things like UAC and Windows Firewall etc..

All in all, a good bit of work, I would say. You may be better off using the standard installation packages, and providing a good documentation. Scanning the Tomcat online FAQ's may give you a good idea of how many failure modes are possible (some Windows-specific, some not), and what to do about them.

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