2012/5/9 Charles Shreve <char...@citinc.biz>:
> I enabled logging and was able to find that the log comes back with code 200 
> which is my understanding that everything connects properly.  I have found 
> that I am able to open any size html file, and jpeg files under 31k from the 
> remote subnet off of the tomcat server.  Anything else from the tomcat server 
> just continues to try and load.  We don't have any problems loading any of 
> our programs or files from the remote subnet from Window based machines on 
> the local side.  Is there any kind of a time out period tha the tomcat server 
> expects a response back from the client before it will send data?  When we 
> try to load the program, firefox and internet explorer continues to say that 
> it is waiting for data from the tomcat server but never gets past that point.

I'm lost , sorry

Have you could to interchange HTTP traffic (both directions) between
remote side and that machine , via VPN?
Have you could to interchange HTTP traffic between remote side and any
war deployed into that Tomcat server  , via VPN?
Have you could to interchange HTTP traffic between remote side and any
war deployed into anotherTomcat server on another machine  , via VPN?

Could be a problem with a firewall and the returned HTTP traffic ?

> Thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Shreve [mailto:char...@citinc.biz]
> Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 4:40 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List; Mark Eggers
> Subject: RE: Tomcat from remote subnet
> You've said very little about your environment.
> It would be nice to know:
> 1. Tomcat version - be precise
> 2. Package install or downloaded from tomcat.apache.org 3. Fronted by Apache 
> HTTPD or not 4. If fronted by Apache HTTPD, how (mod_proxy_http, 
> mod_proxy_ajp, mod_ajp)
> That being said, I'll make some guesses.
> I'm going to guess for 1 and 2 . . . Tomcat 5.5.x installed from an RPM.
> For 3, I'm going to guess no, and that you're either running as root for 
> ports 80 and 443 (not advisable) or using commons-daemon.
> Since I'm guessing 3 is no, that renders question 4 moot.
> By default the access log valve is commented out in the stock Tomcat 5.5.x 
> and 6.0.x. It's enabled by default in Tomcat 7.0.x.
> To turn it on in 5.5.x, you need to find server.xml and uncomment the 
> following section.
> <!--
> <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.FastCommonAccessLogValve"
>   directory="logs"  prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"
>   pattern="common" resolveHosts="false"/>
> -->
> The entry will look a bit different for Tomcat 6.0.x, but it should be fairly 
> obvious.
> Then restart your Tomcat service.
> Now you will need to find your log file. I suspect that RedHat places the log 
> files in /var/log or a subdirectory.
> If this is a stock Tomcat installation, then the log file will be in a 
> subdirectory called logs of your Tomcat installation.
> . . . . just my two cents.
> /mde/
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> Mark,
> Tomcat version is 5.5.23
> I'm not sure how it was installed, as I was not involved with the setup of 
> tomcat from the beginning so I can't answer that question.
> If fronted by Apache, I'm not sure, but I do not believe so, because Apache 
> is not running.
> Unfortunately, we are using ports 80 and 443.  Again, I got handed this 
> project because it wasn't working right, so I'm caught in the middle with the 
> whole setup.
> I have looked at the server.xml file and found that the log is commented out, 
> so I will get that changed which will hopefully point us to our main problem.
> Thanks, Charles
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