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On 5/23/12 5:17 PM, David kerber wrote:
> On 5/23/2012 4:57 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 23/05/2012 21:53, David kerber wrote:
>>> Any suggestions as to where to start looking for this error?
>> Ditch the ODBC-JDBC bridge driver and get a JDBC driver for the
>> database you are using. The ODBC-JDBC bridge is not recommended
>> for production use.
> In general I agree, but that's easier said than done, and it has
> been working quite reliably for several years until yesterday.

Is it tough to move to a Type 4 driver? I didn't think there was a
database these days that still required the ODBC bridge...

If EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION is what I think it is (SIGSEGV), then I
would highly recommend that you run memtest86+ on this machine as soon
as you can. Barring JVM bugs (and a buggy JDBC->ODBC bridge could
certainly be the culprit), my experience has been that unexplained seg
faults usually mean that the hardware is starting to die (I've seen
independent CPU, memory, and motherboard failures cause this kind of

After you replace the ODBC driver, I'd immediately test with
memtext86+ is you are still having problems: it's much faster to test
your rig and rule that out first than it is to chase-down all the
crazy leads that teh intarwebs have to offer.

- -chris
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