Reka Thirunavukkarasu wrote:


I'm configuring a load balancer in front of two tomcat instances in
the same machine. I wanted to access my name based virtual host which
was created across those two tomcat instances through load balancer.
In this case, when i send a request like the following: say my load
balancer is running in port 8280 as https:


The request at the tomcat is to localhost not to the above
VirtualHost. Can i be able to access name based virtual host through a
load balancer in tomcat, since the mapping in load balancer is to the
actual tomcat instances not to the virtual host. Could you please let
me know how to overcome such an issue in tomcat?

To allow people to answer in a relevant way, could you give some details about what version of Tomcat you are using, under which version of Java, under which platform ?

And, most importantly, what you are actually using to do the load-balancing.
Are you using Apache httpd as a front-end ? if yes, with which proxying mechanism to Tomcat (mod_proxy, mod_jk, .. ?) (and versions of ditto).
If not Apache httpd, then what ?

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