Am 03.06.2012 19:50, schrieb Mark Thomas:
On 31/05/2012 18:45, Christian Finckler wrote:

Am 31.05.2012 11:09, schrieb Mark Thomas:
On 31/05/2012 10:02, Christian Finckler wrote:
as far I understood, the websocket implementation of tomcat is using one
thread per client.
Is there also a possibility to configure it to use non blocking IO?
No. That has not yet been implemented. It shouldn't be too hard provided
that non-blocking is used between messages and blocking is used during
messages. Obviously, the BIO connector will always use blocking.
Whoops. My bad. I implemented this already. NIO and APR/native will be
non-blocking between messages and have been since the first Tomcat
release to include WebSocket support. Note that all connectors will
block between the point the upgrade is started and the first message is

This was on my to-do list for a while and I simply forgot I had actually
implemented. Had I looked at the code first (like I just did) it would
have been clear that this was implemented.

Sorry for the mis-information.

Hello Mark,
you have confused me a bit. So there isn't one thread for each websocket client used? If not. What are the configuration possibilities for that? And how to do it? Perhaps you can describe more deeply how you handle websockets in regard of blocking/non blocking and thread handling?

Thank you,

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