On 07/06/2012 00:54, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
2012/6/7 Miguel González Castaños<miguel_3_gonza...@yahoo.es>:

  We are getting isHexDigit errors again, although there is no malformed URL
It is parameter parsing code. It cannot claim the request as malformed
(API does not allow it). It can only skip malformed parameters.
Does that mean that it won't show up in the access log? It is a problem with a parameter used by the parsing code? How can I log any info that could show where is the problem in the code or when is this happening? It's making Tomcat to pause and then to stop.

It sets some error flag that can be examined. FailedRequestFilter is
example of a filter that checks that flag.
I understand that function has to be added in the parsing code, isn't it?

  We are using Tomcat 5.5 and jdk 1.5 (from Sun). As some of you have
suggested me in the past, I'm considering to upgrade to a more up-to-date
Tomcat and/or jdk so I can get more support and help from the community
since probably the stability issues are solved in newer versions. I have set
up a test environment and Tomcat 7.0.27 and jdk 1.7 seems to work fine.

  Do you suggest me to upgrade to Tomcat 6 or 7? What about jdk? 1.6 or 1.7?
1.6 is more widely tested (many years), but for a new system I would
go with 1.7.
It's not a new system, it's been running for 3 years already. I don't want to risk that any library has changed its behavior with tomcat 7 or something similar.

I heard that Oracle plans to stop provide free updates for 1.6 this
summer. So they will be available only as "Java for Business".
Does it mean that it is probably better to go for 1.7 instead?


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