On 19/06/2012 21:08, avri shpigel wrote:
>> Dear tomcat helper,
>> I am using embedd tomcat 7.0.27 inside my java code.
>> I am using minimal tomcat config as proposed in
>> http://java.dzone.com/articles/embedded-tomcat-minimal
>> I would like to add images in my code using html command <img
>> src="aaa.gif" />
> I also want to know where to put my index.jsp as my home page reply.
>> My question: what is the additional minimal tomcat config requred to
>> define the path where to put my images and my home page?

In that example there is a File, instead of passing "." which will
likely result in publishing the current system ${user.dir} as the ROOT
application, specify whichever directory you want to use.

Note, you'll also have to register the JSPServlet manually if you want
to serve parsed JSPs.




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