
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 2:53 AM, Rainer Jung <> wrote:
> What is strange is, that startup says you *did* successfully load version
> 1.1.24, so the symbol should be there.
> Can you check your file, whether the symbol
> Java_org_apache_tomcat_jni_Poll_addWithTimeout is defined in it (using nm or
> whatever alternative there is on S390).

I'm sorry for the delay in response, thank you for your suggestions.
The shared object looked just fine, I discovered the real issue after
digging around. I had an old v1.1.17 tomcat-native.jar file on the
classpath, so even though the 1.1.24 was available, it seems it took
the 17 version first, as alphabetically it did come first.

The message we saw:

22-Jun-2012 00:41:05.701 INFO [AsyncFileHandlerWriter-1149650054]
org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.init Loaded APR based
Apache Tomcat Native library 1.1.24 using APR version 1.3.3.

  must have been only referencing the shared object version and its
underlying APR linkage. Not the actual tomcat-native jar version
information. In retrospect, I find this a bit confusing, but maybe
some other more experienced people here can weigh in whether or not it
would be valuable to add additional information to that log line.
Specifically, the tomcat native jar version which is doing the loading
(perhaps even with a version mismatch warning).

Removing the old 1.1.17 jar, and letting the 1.1.24 do its job, solved
the problem! Thanks again for your help,


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