Hi Everyone, I'm still looking for good tutorials or documentation on using
Intellij with TomEE.  I have a long story below of my experiences and
frustrations... but you can stop reading after this paragraph if you aren't
interested in that and just know that I'm looking for documentation,
tutorials, and a community of users for support.  If you know of any of
those, please send them my way. At the end of this message, I volunteer my
time to help with documentation.

I'm feeling sad that I haven't found any tutorials or documentation on
creating a web service or RESTful application in IntelliJ and haven't been
able to get past a simple jury rigged web service.  I want to use the tools
that everyone else is using and recommending (that seems to be IntelliJ).
 I am looking for support in learning about TomEE and getting in touch with
a community of folks that answer each others questions.  In the past I
found this with Rails through IRC, StackOverflow, meet ups, and friends.
 I'm feeling really isolated with TomEE and IntelliJ, but I just know there
must be lots of people out there using these tools.

Will you help me get in touch with the community of developers that uses
TomEE and IntelliJ?  Is this mailing list the place to go for questions and
support?  Is there an IRC?  I didn't see much on StackOverflow, so I'm
guessing not many people go there.

Is there documentation?  Tutorials?

I'm working on a project that has an existing tool to model biological
systems and the tool is slow.  I'm confident that the use of TomEE... or
Rails (if it comes down to it) will greatly improve the performance of the
application.  See http://integrativebioinformatics.com/processdb.html for
more about the tool I'm working on, in case you're curious.  I'm excited to
be part of several projects in computational biology and bringing cutting
edge technology and performance to theoretical biologists.  And I just have
this gut feeling that TomEE is a great tool to bring to this problem domain.

I just need more documentation and support to be successful.

I have created a web service and RESTful application running in TomEE in
several different development environments... I used Maven on the command
line with Vim and other command line tools.  I used NetBeans.  I manually
downloaded the examples and (compiled only) with maven and installed
(deployed) manually.  I've spent the last 3-4 months working with TomEE and
various tools.  I've even integrated our database with a custom EJB running
in the TomEE container and benchmarked the results to tell my client that
"Yes, this will speed things up... a lot!"

As for IntelliJ... not so productive or lucky.  I managed... after days of
work... to get a the simple Calculator web service example to work... it
took hand editing of lots of files within IntelliJ which essentially turned
IntelliJ (I'm talking about IDEA here, of course) into a text editor with
the ability to start and stop the application server.  I cannot believe
that how I'm using IntelliJ is how expert TomEE/IntelliJ developers use
it... and would like to see a tutorial that walks through how I should be
using these tools to maximize the power of the tools.

I can actually write a tutorial on what I did to get a web service running
in TomEE using IntelliJ IDEA... I'm embarrassed to do so :-) and expose my
ignorance, lol.

However... I will do so if you request it, so that you can see what I'm
doing and give me feedback on the proper way to do things... and in fact...
I would actually modify the tutorial per your advice until it's a valuable
asset to the community... and then I will publish it on my blog (or you
could use it on the tomee.apache.org website, if you feel the quality and
usefulness of the tutorial would benefit the larger community that much).


Jason Zwolak

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Jason Zwolak <jzwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm looking for a good tutorial or documentation on creating a web
> application using Intellij that will run on top of TomEE.
> It seems that this would be easy given the TomEE website (
> http://tomee.apache.org/tomee-and-intellij.html ) saying
> "Intellij is the preferred editor of most of the developers on Apache
> TomEE."
> "The evolving TomEE/Intellij integration sets the pace for all other IDE
> integrations."
> "TomEE is to Intellij what GlassFish is to NetBeans and your feedback is
> a critcal part of that."
> Well, my feedback is: create some documentation on how to use Intellij and
> TomEE together! :-)
> Does anyone know of good tutorials or documentation?
> --
> Jason Zwolak

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