As individuals, myself and others in the community have dedicated ourselves to 
Apache TomEE wholeheartedly.  From when it was a crazy idea on a mailing list, 
to traveling to hack together and slaving away countless hours driving things 
towards certification.

We did all of this, every single bit, in our spare time on our own dime for one 
reason only -- we believe in TomEE.  Apache TomEE is truly special.  It has 
been and continues to be a labor of love and passion.

It's been two years this month since we announced Apache TomEE to the world at 
JavaOne 2011 and it's time for the next step.  Several of us have joined 
together to create a company dedicated to the further development of TomEE, 
Tomitribe.  The goal is not greed or to make a quick buck, but to continue our 
labor of love and passion and help protect what the Apache TomEE has worked so 
incredibly hard to build.

If you believe in Apache TomEE and want to take an active role in seeing it 
grow, I encourage you to become champions for Tomitribe just as you are for 
TomEE.  We can grow this project together.

With that I leave you with one question:  Who are the real heroes of open 



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