Installing TomEE as a Windows Service on Windows 7/XP/Server [2003 or 2008
or 2012] should be the same as installing Tomcat7 as windows service.

Before i installed tomEE as windows service, I familiarized myself with
installing tomcat7 as windows service, and then I removed the tomcat7
windows service, and then I installed tomee as windows service.

i used commandline (like you), but i think it's best to familiarize
yourself with the commandline options when installing tomcat7/tomee as
windows service.

also, you may want to make sure the [installing] user has administrator
rights on the windows [7] computer.

after reading this, let me know if this helps, and what you did to install
tomee as windows service.

hmmm, also, you can use tomcat7w.exe to verify the tomee windows service
installation, modify windows service options (java options, etc...).

it has been months since i did this. i'm replying based on what i can
remember. :)

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Vinícius Moselli <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm having some trouble when i try to run my TomEE service installed on
> Windows 7 x64.
> Here is the log:
> C:\Java\apache-tomee-webprofile-1.6.0\bin>TomEE.amd64.exe
> [2014-03-18 10:59:33] [warn]  [ 6056] The system cannot find the Registry
> key for service 'TomEE.amd64'
> [2014-03-18 10:59:33] [error] [ 6056] Load configuration failed
> [2014-03-18 10:59:33] [error] [ 6056] The system cannot find the file
> specified.
> [2014-03-18 10:59:33] [error] [ 6056] Commons Daemon procrun failed with
> exit value: 2 (Failed to load configuration)
> [2014-03-18 10:59:33] [error] [ 6056] The system cannot find the file
> specified.
> Does anyone faced such problem yet?
> I looked at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apache Software
> Foundation\Procrun 2.0\TomEE and the key is there, tried to rename to
> TomEE.amd64 but didn't work aswell.
> How can i solve it?
> Thanks in advance.
> Vinícius Moselli

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