On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Leonardo K. Shikida <shik...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I also wish we could have such a tutorial...

Maybe someone will be kind enough to write/do a blog about this... some
day. :)

> In general, I think you can make your jsf app be responsive if you keep as
> little data in the presentation layer as possible.

i think a responsive web design solution will consider the device and
browser, and 'respond' with a view that looks good in a browser on
any/every device. For example, when I open a [JSF] page in a browser on
mobile phone or tablet, I should 'not' have to zoom-in or zoom-out, but the
page will be rendered appropriately on/per device.

So, responsive != 'little data in presentation layer'.

it is 'always' best to render as little data as possible in/on any device
(mobile phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, etc...). why render 1,000s of rows
of data on a page that is displayed on a laptop/desktop and force your
users to continuously scroll up and down the page to view/modify the data?

of course, on a mobile device, your HTTP response should be as small as
possible, just in case the mobile device does not have a fast [internet]

when someone else asked this question in the primefaces forum, someone
responded with twitter bootstrap. i looked at some of the demos [briefly],
and bootstrap gave me the impression that pages 'can' look good on a mobile
device without zooming in/out, and page can primarily be a page of any
length, but fits/renders well on the mobile device without zooming in/out.

since i have been a primefaces mobile user, i was not really impressed with
twitter bootstrap. if you are good with html, css, javascript, jquery,
etc..., then go for twitter bootstrap (or jquery mobile). if you want
primefaces tags and less html/css, then go for primefaces mobile.

> This means some tricks like lazy loading, paging table data in database
> [1], using autocomplete instead of lengthy select boxes, etc.

autocomplete on a mobile device can be tricky.

i don't think anybody should have lengthy select boxes...even on

> I´ve started working with JSF using richfaces 2-3 years ago and now I am a
> primefaces big fan. Both are OK, but I think primefaces has some very
> interesting features.


PrimeFaces blog[1]
PrimeFaces Mobile Reloaded[2] (briefly mentions responsive design)
PrimeFaces showcase[3]
PrimeFaces Labs showcase[4]
jquery Mobile - Responsive Web Design[5]

[1] http://blog.primefaces.org/
[2] http://blog.primefaces.org/?p=3063
[3] www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/home.jsf
[4] http://www.primefaces.org/showcase-labs/ui/home.jsf
[5] http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.2/rwd/

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