My response may be inappropriate but I have been using

- tomee+ 1.5.1  + eclipselink 2.3.2 + apache derby 10.x + JDK7

- tomee+ 1.6.x  + eclipselink 2.3.2 + apache derby 10.x + JDK7

and now

- tomee+ 1.7.0  + eclipselink 2.3.2 + apache derby 10.x + JDK8

and the stack is working great, and I'm loving it!

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 8:46 AM, Emmanuel Touzery <> wrote:

> Hello,
>  thank you. Right now we think that hibernate 4.2.x ought to work with
> java8 so we'll try that setup first. But we'll remember this in case we
> find out that's not the case.
>  Regards,
> Emmanuel
> On 18/08/14 13:50, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
>> Hi
>> If you add jpa 2.1 api replacing javee api jar by geronimo jar (javee api
>> is just a shade of geronimos ones) it should work
>> Le 18 août 2014 10:46, "Emmanuel Touzery" <
>> >
>> a écrit :
>>  Hello,
>>>      we are using tomee 1.6 with hibernate 4.2. Now that 1.7 is out, we
>>> are
>>> interested to migrate to it, and start using the new java8 features. We
>>> are
>>> not sure which hibernate version introduced support for java8 (it turns
>>> out
>>> extremely difficult to come to that information...), so we planned to
>>> move
>>> to the latest hibernate 4.3 version, however we found this:
>>>      There it's written /"However, Hibernate 4.3+ (JPA 2.1) is not
>>> supported by TomEE, because it's Java EE 7."/. I wonder, is that true?
>>> That
>>> we can't use hibernate 4.3+ with tomee 1.x? We definitely don't want to
>>> use
>>> JEE7 features until all is ready. We are looking for a supported
>>> configuration.
>>>      If that is true, does anyone know whether that prevents us from
>>> using
>>> tomee 1.x+hibernate+java8? Or maybe hibernate 4.2.x is enough for that?
>>> (yes, this last question I guess I should rather ask in a hibernate
>>> forum,
>>> but I can try asking here just in case someone happens to know)
>>>      Regards,
>>> Emmanuel

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