
is the following still required with this TomEE 1.7.1 release (which was a
bug/regression introduced in the tomEE 1.7.0 release)?

TomEE 1.7.0 Release: xbean error caused by NoClassDefFoundError:

On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 1:46 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau <>

> Just replace geronimo javamail by
> and maybe
> + mail.jar you want

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Andy Gumbrecht <>

> Hi everyone,
> Pushing this out on the mailing lists to make sure everyone gets the
> message. Please promote by Tweet, Google+, Facebook and any other social
> media you use. In fact, please get back to me with suggestions on any other
> promotion channels you think we should be using to reach out on?
> After the huge buzz getting version 1.7.0 off the press it is time to get
> back to the day to day. As promised we are committed to providing the best
> for our community, and so without further a do here is TomEE 1.7.1 - This
> is a maintenance release that fixes some minor issues and a few tweaks (We
> understand it is not so minor if you are waiting for it, so thanks for your
> patience). This version is still shipped upon Apache Tomcat 7.0.55
> Please note that the TomEE 1.7.1 drop in WAR file will not work on Apache
> Tomcat 8. If you are interested in a Tomcat 8.x version then please feel
> free to check out and contribute to the developer branch <
>> - We are always interested in
> any help from the community that we can get.
> The Apache TomEE 1.7.1 release files can be downloaded from here:
> Note: Issue TOMEE-1339 <>
> introduced a default (but configurable) check for a static /index.html/
> file when an empty JAX-RS resource URL is specified by a client. You can
> use this file to return a descriptive response to the client for example.
> Make sure that this optional file does not contain sensitive information
> when made available. Currently it is not a JSP and it is not parsed in any
> way by the Servlet container - This may change in the next version.
> Simply update your existing Maven JavaEE-API, OpenEJB and or TomEE pom.xml
> entries to point to the latest versions.
> Andy.
> --
>   Andy Gumbrecht

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