Hi i want to use a Filter for my rest services, im reading the apache cxf
doc, i could create my filter implementing RequestHandler interfaces and
start using it.

After reading more i saw this:
CXF RequestHandler and ResponseHandler filters have been removed, please
use JAX-RS 2.0 ContainerRequestFilter and ContainerResponseFilter and also
WriterInterceptor and ReaderInterceptor when needed.  (
http://cxf.apache.org/docs/30-migration-guide.html )

Then i try to change RequestHandler to ContainerResponseFilter when i try
to run my webapp i could see java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

Then i have this questions.

1. What version of Apache CXF is using TomEE 1.7.1? i guess 2.6.14 can i
upgrade to apaache cxf 3.x? if yes, how?  which jars do i have to remove?

2. Is ContainerRequestFilter only available in CXF 3.x? If no then why im
getting NoClassDefFoundError?

3. Is possible to inject and ejb using @EJB into this filter? Because i
tried and always is null. If is possible how?

4. Is ContainerResponseFilter the "standard way" to use filters in jax-rs?
If yes how can i use it, do i need another dependency?

I just want to use a JAX-RS filter i dont care to use CXF interceptors or
filters extended.

Im using TomEE 1.7.1 JAX-RS

*José Luis Cetina*

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