Not sure which use case you think of and what about the hole jar scanning stuff...

I run the TomEE mostly in Debug-Mode (auto-reload off) where the hot-deployment works like a charm, also with all dependencies if you have them in workspace.

Am 11.12.2014 um 17:42 schrieb Felipe Jaekel:
Thanks for the tip.

Does it work for Java classes too?

2014-12-11 14:35 GMT-02:00 Alexander Wagner <>

A simple workaround is to create a symlink from the deployed web project
to the jsf module project:

ln -s ~/workspace/m2m-ram/jsf/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/myjsfcomp

Tomcat will not follow links by default but you can configure it in the
server.xml (e.g. in workspace/Servers/tomee-plus-1.7.0-config/server.xml).
Add to context allowLinking="true":

<Server ...>
       <Context path="/myportal" allowLinking="true" ... /></Host>

Now if you make changes to your myjsfcomp resources the changes are
directly visible obviously without publishing, because the symlink ensures
that the used resource files are directly from workspace folder.
Technically speaking the changes in the myjsfcomp will take affect faster
than the changes to resources from the myportal. :-)

So now have fun with fast jsf module developing with TomEE, Eclipse and

Am 01.12.2014 um 15:45 schrieb Alexander Wagner:

  Hello Comunity,

I would like to know if someone use successfully TomEE in Eclipse with
the configuration "Serve modules without publishing". If it works, is
there a special configuration needed?

If I start my projects with this option no manged beans seems to be
loaded, maybe CDI does not work.

I would like to use this option, so that we can make changes to jsf
modules without restarting TomEE.

Environment: Eclipse Kepler/Luna. TomEE 1.7.0/1

What I found so far:
Not sure at all if this issue relates to this bug entry..

Best regards
Alexander Wagner

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