
I'm working on a bit of a demonstration w/ EE technologies working well
with non-EE techs.  I found a bit of an issue w/ TomEE I think.

Take a look at this project:

If you run this using "mvn clean install tomee:run" TomEE will start up,
and deploy the application.  However, invoking any URL does not go through
the filter.  Now, i had this issue previously w/ an embedded Tomcat
instance, but started using the default servlet in tomcat and that fixed
the issue.  I would be surprised if TomEE didn't already use the default
servlet, so I'm not even thinking that.

But any idea why its not executing my filter?

One other thing I noticed, which doesn't look right,

*INFO - Using annotated mode for
looking all classes to find CDI beans, maybe think to add a beans.xml if
not there or add the jar to exclusions.list*
*INFO - Unable to set the web application class loader property
[clearReferencesRmiTargets] to [true] as the property does not exist*

In the first case, I have a valid beans.xml.

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