
I've stumbled upon a contradiction in the JEE spec:

1. The UserTransaction javadoc [1] states that if the thread is already
associated with a transaction and the Transaction Manager implementation
does not support nested transactions, a NotSupportedException will be

2. On the other hand, the javadoc of the Transactional annotation [2]
states that if an attempt is made to call any method of the UserTransaction
interface from within the scope of a bean or method annotated with
@Transactional and a Transactional.TxType other than NOT_SUPPORTED or
NEVER, an IllegalStateException must be thrown

So if I have @Transactional(TxType.REQUIRED) then what
userTransaction.begin() should throw - IllegalStateException or
NotSupportedException ?

Where is the proper place to ask for clarification ? Is the jira @ java.net
the proper place for such question ?

[2] http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/transaction/Transactional.html

Best regards,

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