
If you are going to use the community edition of IJ, then you'll have to
manually manage the server - i.e. start/stop/deploy/undeploy.

> I am still unclear how to deploy multiple projects to TomEE
Just build the wars and drop them in the "webapps" folder of a running
TomEE server

> The server has a single shared configuration folder where i can manage
config files
You have the "conf" folder, where you can manually manage the configuration

> i can the start and stop the server using the IDE
You can use the bin/catalina.sh or catalina.bat script to start the server:

start normally: catalina.sh run
start in debug mode: catalina.sh jpda run
stop the server: just press CTRL+C in the terminal window you used to start
the server

> but where do i store the TomEE config files
what config files ?

Also I think that you can automate (i.e. click a button in idea) a great
deal of those steps using the maven plugin, but personally I haven't used
it .

Kind regards,

2017-07-12 15:38 GMT+03:00 Matthew Broadhead <matthew.broadh...@nbmlaw.co.uk

> I am thinking of switching from Eclipse to IntelliJ community edition but
> I am still unclear how to deploy multiple projects to TomEE.
> In eclipse i can open multiple projects and then drag them to a server to
> deploy them.  The server has a single shared configuration folder where i
> can manage config files.  i can the start and stop the server using the IDE.
> in IntelliJ i understand that i can open each eclipse project as a
> "module" under a single umbrella project.  but where do i store the TomEE
> config files?  and how do i deploy the modules and start and stop the
> server?

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