
Thanks for your mail! I'll grab you example later today and take a look.



On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 2:20 PM, Kaloyan Spiridonov <
k.i.spirido...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have the following scenario:
> Servlet -> EjbOne -> EjbTwo
> My expectation is that @RunAs of the servlet will be propagated to EjbOne
> and the @RunAs of the EjbOne will be propagated to @EjbTwo.
> But this does not happen - see the output below. When i remove @RunAs
> annotation from the servlet the @RunAs of EjbOne is propagated correctly.
> Actual output:
> EjbOne (Before EjbTwo) expected role: Manager, isCallerInRole("Manager"):
> false
> EjbOne (Before EjbTwo) expected role: Manager, isCallerInRole("VP"): false
> EjbOne (Before EjbTwo) expected role: Manager,)
> isCallerInRole("Administrator"): false
> EjbTwo expected role: VP, isCallerInRole("Manager"): false
> EjbTwo expected role: VP, isCallerInRole("VP"): false
> EjbTwo expected role: VP, isCallerInRole("Administrator"): false
> EjbOne (After EjbTwo) expected role: Manager, isCallerInRole("Manager"):
> false
> EjbOne (After EjbTwo) expected role: Manager, isCallerInRole("VP"): false
> EjbOne (After EjbTwo) expected role: Manager,
> isCallerInRole("Administrator"): false
> Expected output:
> EjbOne (Before EjbTwo) expected role: Manager, isCallerInRole("Manager"):
> true
> EjbOne (Before EjbTwo) expected role: Manager, isCallerInRole("VP"): false
> EjbOne (Before EjbTwo) expected role: Manager,)
> isCallerInRole("Administrator"): false
> EjbTwo expected role: VP, isCallerInRole("Manager"): false
> EjbTwo expected role: VP, isCallerInRole("VP"): true
> EjbTwo expected role: VP, isCallerInRole("Administrator"): false
> EjbOne (After EjbTwo) expected role: Manager, isCallerInRole("Manager"):
> true
> EjbOne (After EjbTwo) expected role: Manager, isCallerInRole("VP"): false
> EjbOne (After EjbTwo) expected role: Manager,
> isCallerInRole("Administrator"): false
> Here is the source of the application: https://github.com/kal0ian/Examples
> Regards,
> Kaloyan

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