
I was training myself on Arquilian, with the hope to use it test our
apps' REST annotations in the context of actual TomEE+ behavior (in
particular, I'd like to use it to check whether or not newer TomEE+
version don't leak to issues with regard to these sensitive items,
migration from 1.7.x to 7.0.x wasn't transparent with Johnzon new

So, I googled "tomee arqulian", and I got the following page:

Since I before went through Arquilan's getting started pages, I
directly jumped to adding TomEE embedded as a profile into the
samples' pom, using a copy past of what's proposed on this page


It worked, but then I wanted to try with latest TomEE+ 7.0.3, so I
changed this into:


and I got the following error from Eclipse on the pom file:

Missing artifact
org.apache.openejb:arquillian-tomee-embedded:jar:7.0.3    pom.xml

After a while, I finally found that changing org.apache.openejb into
org.apache.tomee in the groupId solved the issue, so here's the
correction version:


Would it be possible to fix
http://tomee.apache.org/arquillian-available-adapters.html page in
order to avoid newbies to get lost with Arquilan with TomEE 7 testing?

Best regards,

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