
You can check what is in conf/deployments.xml just before a restart and if
it is consistent with your docker setup.

Le 21 déc. 2017 21:19, "Kaoklai" <gdin...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi there,
> I've a TomEE 7.0.3-plume version running in a docker container and I'm
> deploying a war file containing 2 depedencies 1) services as an ejb-jar and
> 2) the model with its persistence.xml in a jar) via tomee-maven-plugin.
> Deployment is fine, the application is running like a charm (persitence,
> injection, and so on.) I'm also able to undeploy without any problems.
> Things get worse when I stop / restart docker or if I simply stop / restart
> apache (bin/catalina.sh stop / start). From there it's like all the jndi
> binding that was done during deployment was gone. Standard injection via
> annotation still seems to be working fine though, but unaccesible via JNDI
> Context Lookup. Undeployment also fails from that point. The plugin doesn't
> say anything, it mentions it succeeded but there is not trace whatsoever of
> the undeployment request in the catalina.out log. Also for a reason I
> ignore
> the undeploy button from the /manager has never been able to me (not
> clickable) nor before or after restart.
> The application gets deployed into the temp folder, does that mean that
> some
> part of its configuration will be missing after restart?
> Example of binding during deployment:
> ...
> 21-Dec-2017 19:34:09.119 INFO [main]
> org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind
> Jndi(name=global/wise/CategoryDao!c.e.p.c.ICategoryDao) -->
> Ejb(deployment-id=CategoryDao)
> 21-Dec-2017 19:34:09.119 INFO [main]
> org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.bind
> Jndi(name=global/wise/CategoryDao) --> Ejb(deployment-id=CategoryDao)
> ...
> Listing manually the InitialContext confirms their registration:
> ...
> [ LOCAL-WISE ] INFO - 21-12-2017 20:11:40 c.e.u.EJBLocator:print:141 - >
> CategoryDao
> [ LOCAL-WISE ] INFO - 21-12-2017 20:11:40 c.e.u.EJBLocator:print:141 - >
> c.e.p.c.ICategoryDao
> [ LOCAL-WISE ] INFO - 21-12-2017 20:11:40 c.e.u.EJBLocator:print:141 - >
> c.e.p.c.ICategoryDao!Local
> ...
> And after restart only the ones defined in the resource.xml (i.e DB
> datasource) appears in the list but all the EJBs are gone.
> Any helps would be appreciated
> Gabriel
> --
> Sent from: http://tomee-openejb.979440.n4.nabble.com/TomEE-Users-
> f979441.html

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