Hi Community!

Random curiosity.   Are there any TomEE users in the Los Angeles area?

For a short bit in 2011 I was pulling local people together to hack on TomEE.  
All subsequent gatherings were in Europe.  Then after starting Tomitribe in 
2013, I was on the road continuously -- in 2016 alone I flew 77 flights on just 
one airline.

Fast forward 5 or 6 years, and I'm finally home more.  There's now a growing 
tech community here.

I wonder if there are any Los Angeles TomEE  users who would love to get 
together; beer, hacking, whatever.  Even happy to teach you stuff if you want.

If that sounds fun to you, shoot me an email offline.  And seriously, don't be 
shy.  Ask any of the existing committers, I'm truly happy to meet anyone.  
There's no "you must be this smart to contact me" rule like at Amusement Parks.

David Blevins

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