> On Jan 20, 2020, at 5:14 AM, COURTAULT Francois 
> <francois.courta...@thalesgroup.com> wrote:
> Hello Jonathan,
> I have understood that the MP implementations are provided by Geronimo 
> projects, right?
> The delta I have seen is:
> µSpec                   Current Geronimo implementation                       
>      MP 2.2 version
> OpenTracing       1.1                                             1.3
> Open API              1.1                                                 
> 1.0.1 
> Config                 1.2.1                                               1.3
> FaultTolerance   1.0                                               2.0
> What I don't get is MP 2.1 requires:
> OpenTracing 1.2
> Config 1.3
> FaultTolerance 1.1.
> So how is it possible that TomEE 8 is MP 2.1 certified ?

My observation is we're MicroProfile 2.0 compatible.  We would be 2.1 
compatible were the OpenTracing implementation be 1.2 instead of the 1.1 we 

Here are the library versions from the 8.0.1 release.


> Or it means that the Geronimo implementation versioning is not aligned with 
> MP versions.
> But, in this case, how do we know which Geronimo implementation is MP x.y 
> compliant with ?

Yes, they are versioned independently.  Best frame of reference is the actual 
api jar versions.

> Don't see RestClient in Geronimo !!  

Apache CXF provides that.

> Who contributes to Geronimo ? only TomEE contributors ?

There is some overlap, but they two are not 100% the same committers.

Here's a complete list of Apache committers and projects:

 - http://people.apache.org/committer-index.html

In terms of who is actually active, Github stats are the best source:

 - https://github.com/apache/geronimo-config/graphs/contributors
 - https://github.com/apache/geronimo-opentracing/graphs/contributors


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