I may be totally wrong, but from what I see AMQ JNDI support is good for 
standalone app that consumes the context programmatically while PSFT supports 
only JNDI configuration using it's own properties files. 
We tried to modify these  files to 'introduce' AMQ objects/JMS destinations to  
PSFT with not much success.  I.e. 
org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory was registered  (I can 
see it in the error stacktrace) and that's pretty much it. So, if anybody had 
any positive experience configuring PSFT to use AMQ/Artemis destinations 
without deploying dedicated JNDI server (or with it) - please share.

I'm not an expert in configuring JNDI for PSFT myself, just helping the guy 
that maintains our PSFT to migrate from Sonic (provides full blown JNDI Service 
out of the box) to AMQ/Artemis, but there is ridiculously small amount of 
useful info available online, i.e.  so far I was able to find only this link 
http://www.mypeoplesoft.com/m/discussion?id=6576243%3ATopic%3A15796 (that 
documents some failing attempt to configure PSFT and Tibco).

AMQ seem to promote the use of jndi.properties file, not sure if PSFT would see 
and consume it though. Just for sake of trying it I'm going to put  the 
jndi.properties  into the PSFT classpath and see what happens. 

There are no restrictions of how to add bindings in TomEE, whatever works 
(remote PSFT can consume the context) we will use it. 

Jon, you mentioned that 'bindings are controlled via system properties'  - is 
there any related documentation?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Gallimore [mailto:jonathan.gallim...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 3:37 AM
To: users@tomee.apache.org
Subject: Re: TomEE as JNDI server

Sounds like an interesting use-case. ActiveMQ does have some JNDI
 , and the bindings are controlled via system properties.

How are you adding your bindings in TomEE? Adding resources to tomee.xml?

Off the top of my head, it sounds ok. If you give us an idea of what your TomEE 
config looks like (without anything sensitive, such as passwords), and how 
you're doing the lookup from PeopleSoft (and whether its the App server, or a 
rich client connecting to JNDI and ActiveMQ), we'll probably be able to give 
you an idea of whether there are any issues with what you're doing.

My own PeopleSoft knowledge is from v7.5, so quite out of date, I suspect.
I don't know the specifics of adding libraries and system properties to 
Peoplesoft itself, for example, but we can probably guide you in terms of 
treating it as a standalone Java application.


On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 12:15 AM Shultz, Dmitry <dmitry_shu...@kaltire.com>

> Hi Guys,
> We have a need to spin up the stand alone JNDI server (in order to 
> support some PeopleSoft/AMQ integration because AMQ doesn't have one).
> There are multiple TomEE's  already running In our environments (and 
> we are pretty happy with it) + operations team is comfortable with  it 
> as well, so the obvious choice is to spin up another TomEE just to 
> host/serve JMDI context to the external client (PSFT).
> Is this a good/supported idea?
> If not, what are the options?
> Cheers,
> Dmitry

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