> On Mar 26, 2022, at 6:28 PM, Terry <mail...@aol.com.INVALID> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install TomEE using the tomee.war following these 
> instructions:https://tomee.apache.org/latest/docs/installation-drop-in-war.html
> First I downloaded and installed a fresh copy of Tomcat 8.5.77 and then added 
> the tomee-webapp-7.1.4.war renamed to "tomee.war" from this 
> link:https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/tomee/tomee-7.1.4/tomee-webapp-7.1.4.war
> It all seems to work, except for these steps from the above instructions: * 
> Go to the TomEE installer webapp (http://localhost:8080/tomee/) and login 
> with the user you added to tomcat-users.xml. * Verify the values and click 
> "Confirm".
> My /tomee page doesn't look like the screenshot in the instructions (above) 
> and I can't get it to do anything. It only displays a "Toggle Navigation" 
> button, an "Apache TomEE" link to the documentation, and an "Installer" link 
> that goes nowhere. The reason it doesn't display correctly is because it's 
> getting 404s for jQuery and Bootstrap:
> http://localhost:8080/tomee/webjars/bootstrap/3.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.csshttp://localhost:8080/tomee/webjars/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.jshttp://localhost:8080/tomee/webjars/bootstrap/3.1.0/js/bootstrap.min.js
> Am I doing something wrong?

Hey Terry,

Just wanted to jump in and those .war files are getting discontinued which is 
why they no longer show up in the TomEE 8 and 9 sections of the download page.

I'd definitely advise using one of the TomEE tar.gz or zip files with Tomcat 
already bundled.

The trick with those wars is that the integration code we had to do to get that 
setup to work from a war file was always kind of iffy.  Under the covers 
there's code in the war file that takes a bunch of libraries and pushes them 
into the Tomcat server classloader as if they we're libraries in Tomcat's lib/ 
directory.  But because they weren't and are added by a war file, any wars that 
started prior to that webapp will have gotten a plain Tomcat deploy and so the 
webapp would restart them.  It was likely too clever for its own good.

Not a timely response, but hope this helps!


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