
I'm looking for an example hot two configure JDBC with Tomee 9.0.

First I read this article and the example works as expected.

Then I tried to use TomEE 9.0 and MSSQL. [1]

On the first glance it looked successful because the string was given as 
output. By a closer look not a connection to MSSQL was set up, instead HSQL was 
used. [2][3]

Does anybody can point me to an example using WEB-INF/resources.xml[4] and 
ToMEE 9?







        try(final Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()){
            writer.println("Metadata at: " + 
            writer.println("Metadata at: " + 
            writer.println("Metadata at: " + 

            boolean valid = connection.isValid(1000);


curl http://localhost:8080/jdbc-servlet/
Metadata at: SA
Metadata at: HSQL Database Engine Driver
Metadata at: 2.7.1

 JDBC Connection is valid @ timestamp = 1685439527124


<Resource id="MSSQL_Database" type="javax.sql.DataSource">
    JdbcDriver com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
    JdbcUrl jdbc:sqlserver://qa.company.local:1433;databaseName=myDatabase
    UserName username
    Password password
    JtaManaged true
    InitialSize 10
    MaxActive 128
    MaxIdle 25
    MinIdle 10
    AccessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed true
    TestOnBorrow false
    TestWhileIdle true
    TimeBetweenEvictionRuns 1 minute
    MaxWaitTime 0 seconds
    PoolPreparedStatements true
    MaxOpenPreparedStatements 1024
    ValidationQuery select 1

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