
$ is used as an identifier, i.e. for injecting properties.

You can use 

   <Resource id="config" class-name="com.exmaple.MyResource">
        SkipPropertiesFallback = true
        test = $abc

The `SkipPropertiesFallback` will prevent the resolution of $-values.
The related code is here: [1]

Hope it helps.


Am Freitag, dem 08.09.2023 um 15:44 +0200 schrieb Thomas Butz:
> I'm trying to implement a custom resources class by implementing
> setProperties(Properties) as outlined in the documentation:
> https://tomee.apache.org/application-resources.html
> The resource is defined tomee.xml:
> <Resource id="myresource" class-name="com.exmaple.MyResource">
> myproperty=$omething
> </Resource>
> But as soon as the value starts with a dollar sign, its value is
> interpreted as null while passed into setProperties().
> My current theory is that property substitution is interfering here,
> but I have no clue how to avoid it.
> My failed attempts include:
> myproperty=\$omething
> myproperty=$$omething
> myproperty=\u0024omething
> myproperty=&#x0024;domething
> myproperty=${xxx:-$omething}

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