Hello everyone,

Quite recently I run NexusIQ on TomEE Plus 8.0.15.
The tool reports a vulnerability on commons-collections--3.2.1.
Issue: in TomEE delivery there is no commons-collections--3.2.1 ☹

So we opened a ticket to NexusIQ support.
You have to know that the tools uses Maven Central for its processing.
If I download the  commons-collections--3.2.2.jar from this repo and I run a 
sha1 on it, I get 8ad72fe39fa8c91eaaf12aadb21e0c3661fe26d5
Now, if I take the one inside TomEE and run a sha1 on it, I get 

Then I performed a binary comparison using BeyondCompare. Result: there the 
same ☹
Finally, we found the issue: the sha1 difference comes from the jar metadata.
For example, the date of the files in the jar downloaded from maven central is 
2015-11-13 whereas for the one from Tomee is  2023-05-08.

It seems that TomEE somehow repackage the libraries it is using. The side 
effect is that NexusIQ generates false positive.
It’s really annoying !

Do you have a solution for that ?

Best Regards.

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