
yes. If it bothers you, it might be a good point to start.

The main difference between 8 and 9 is the switch of the micro profile
implementation from geronimo to smallrye.

The integration code is in

So the process would be to try to understand the problem a bit better,
maybe add an itest, which can reproduce the behaviour and than do some
debugging to figure out, what exactly is happening here.


Am Donnerstag, dem 16.11.2023 um 14:58 +0100 schrieb Bart van Leeuwen:
> Hi,
> What would be a good way to pin point this issue, where to start
> looking 
> etc?
> Met Vriendelijke Groet / With Kind Regards
> Bart van Leeuwen
> From:   "Bart van Leeuwen" <bart_van_leeu...@netage.nl>
> To:     users@tomee.apache.org
> Date:   02-11-2023 13:29
> Subject:        TomEEMicroProfileListener IllegalStateException
> Hi,
> Again in the transition from TomEE 8 to TomEE 9 (Plus version) I run
> into 
> the following error on app deployment.
> This only happens on the first deployment of the app, if redeployed
> the 
> error doesn't happen.
> So far I have not been able to create a testcase.
> SEVERE [Catalina-utility-1] 
> org.apache.openejb.observer.ObserverManager$MethodInvocation.invoke
> error 
> invoking
> org.apache.tomee.microprofile.TomEEMicroProfileListener@53f0a4cb
>         java.lang.IllegalStateException: On a thread without an 
> initialized context nor a classloader mapping a deployed app
> Met Vriendelijke Groet / With Kind Regards
> Bart van Leeuwen

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