Hello All,

I am new to ATS, wrote small plugin for ATS,

My Configuration is:

Client --->  ATS  ---> Origin Server

I want to edit Origin Server Response along with Header. 

(In case of Header, irrespective of MAX Age set by Origin Server, I want to 
send 'Cache-Control" parameter as a "No-Cache").

I am using remap to forward incoming client request to Origin Server and 
Sending back response of Origin server to Client.
I facing problem here, I am using transformation to edit Origin Server response 
and forwarding it to Client, when I edit (Origin Server Response) Header with 
"No-Cache", ATS does not Cache Request.

I have few questions:

1. In Event READ_RESPONSE, I am hooking in transformation for HTTP Response 
Edit, which is working fine.
    However, it does not go to SEND_RESPONSE after this, is it problem in my 
code or it has been designed this way?

2. Can I edit Client Request Header in  READ_RESPONSE event, 
I observed I can edit Server Response Header in this event and which is going 
to client but 
parameters like Cache-Control, In my case I am editing it to "No-Cache" and ATS 
does not cache this request, is it correct behavior?

3. Is it anyway possible to use transformation to edit HTTP response and edit 
Client Request Header as well for same request?

Thank you & Regards,


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