In the past we had the case where we needed to add web redirection services for some friends..
I've been googling to find out some ways to do so.. found only one .. but wasn't satified with it.. as it would require not using vegadns anymore..
So, one night, after long thoughs, i've decided to ask two friends to find a way to, at first, to design a script that would handle
any calls to it, and redirect to the apropriate url, based on a simple file database.. Than, publish the script, and see if someone
would be interested to add some "redirection" field to vegadns interface and database, that would only add the apropriate fields in the database of the
targeted domain..
After some tests, we came out with a pretty simple script, that uses (for the moment), a simple text file to figure "who goes where"..
In my further examples, i'll be using this general idea: needs to point to
Also note, as pre-setup on my "main" company domain, i've created a generic alias that will be used as cname for any url needed to be redirected..
Therefore: i made one Alias on my main domain like : > alias >
Than, in the zone of "", i created : record > cname >
The idea is that all redirections have to point to
Now, the apache is setup on :
one spare ip for apache is needed, on my apache box, i'll use here, with a very basic vhost definition (provided below)
     DocumentRoot /home/system/redirect/docs
    ErrorLog /home/system/redirect/logs/redirect-error_log
    CustomLog /home/system/redirect/logs/redirect-access_log common
---end of cut---
At this point, all dns answers redirect to, and apache is setup to use /home/system/redirect/docs/ as documentroot.
And now, the magic script:
// redirect.php version 0.3
// 27.11.04
// script created by Thomas Foncelle (lobotom<at>lobotom<dot>org)
// based on ideas from Rudolph Sand (r.sand<at>new-net<dot>net)
// edit this
// the file should be fully readable/writable for apache..
$config_file = '/some/path/redirection.txt';
// don't touch anything else
$separators = Array("\t", " ");
if($_GET[debug]) {
        <table border="1">');
} // fin if($_GET[debug])
$fp = fopen($config_file, 'r');
while ($data = "" 1024)) {
    $line += 1;
    if (strlen(trim($data)) && substr($data, 0, 1) != '#') {
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($separators); $i++) {
            if (strpos($data, $separators[$i])) {
                $separator = $separators[$i];
            } // fin if (strpos($data, $separators[$i]))
        } // fin for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($separators); $i++)
        if (!$separator) {
            die("<br>Erreur dans le fichier ".$config_file.": separateur non trouve. (ligne ".$line.")");
        } // fin if (!$separator)
        else {
            $tmp = explode($separator, $data);
            unset($domain, $url);
            $domain = trim($tmp[0]);
            $url = "">            if ($domain && $url) {
                $redir[$domain] = $url;
                if($_GET[debug]) {
                            <td>'.(($_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] == $domain) ? '<b>' : '').$domain.(($_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] == $domain) ? '</b>' : '').'</td>
                            <td>'.(($_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] == $domain) ? '<b>' : '').'pointe vers'.(($_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] == $domain) ? '</b>' : '').'</td>
                            <td>'.(($_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] == $domain) ? '<b>' : '').$url.(($_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] == $domain) ? '</b>' : '').'</td>
                } // fin if($_GET[debug])
            } // fin if ($domain && $url)
            else {
                die("<br>Erreur dans le fichier ".$config_file.": parametre manquant. (ligne ".$line." \"".$data."\")");
            } // fin else
        } // fin else
    } // fin if (strlen(trim($data)) && substr($data, 0, 1) != '#')
} // fin while ($data = "">fclose($fp);
if($_GET[debug]) {
} // fin if($_GET[debug])
if (!$redir) {
    die("<br>Aucune redirection trouvee dans le fichier ".$config_file.".");
} // fin if (!$redir)
if ($redir[$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]]) {
    if($_GET[debug]) {
        echo('<br><br>Vous allez etre redirige vers <b>'.$redir[$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]].'</b> en cliduant <a href="">ici</a>');
    } // fin if
    else {
        header("location: ".$redir[$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]].(($_SERVER[QUERY_STRING]) ? '?'.$_SERVER[QUERY_STRING] : ''));
    } // fin else
} // fin if ($redir[$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]])
else {
    die("<br>Aucune redirection trouvee pour le domaine <b>".$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]."</b>.");
} // fin else
---end of cut---
Finally, here is the "database file" wich of course should be replaced by proper calls to vegadns's database..
warning: u must keep the first line of file (#Domain    Url) ...
neptune# more /home/www/radio-psylone/redirection.txt
#Domain    Url
#here are infos for first redir: needs
#here are infos for second redir: needs
# etc...
---end of cut---
I have the setup running fine for over a month, with over 200 redirections in a .txt file
I'm providing this script with concent of Thomas.
We both agree it should be freely used by anyone needing such services
But we both strongly request to be kept informed of further changes made to the script.
Now the question is, would someone feel to add the sql calls to vegadns' database ?
And provide modification to the forms, so another type of field could be field : "REDIR"
Of course, such field could follow Len's sanity checking policy.. Although the script already checks for a few commun mistakes..
Ah, final note, for those winXX users.. avoid NOTEPAD for editing redirection.txt.. could save you some troubles..
Bye ;)

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