I think you want to change this:

private IModel day = new Model();
private IModel month = new Model();

private IModel year = new Model();

You probably want to use a PropertyModel, or a CompoundPropertyModel to bind the widget values to a bean that holds the picked values.... I have never used the generic Model class, but from the javadoc it appears an empty constructor means you are not setting the model to any object at all...hence you get null when you ask for the model...


Stephane Boisson wrote:

I am trying to make a ComboDatePicker component composed of three
DropDownChoices (day, month and year).

I overloaded convertInput to combine the year, month and day dropdown
choices into a Date, but I am unable to get proper values..

When I ask for ModelObject, I got null and when I ask for converted input I
got the option index instead of the real date..

I am missing something?

Thank you!

public class ComboDatePicker extends FormComponentPanel {
    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( ComboDatePicker.class );
    private DropDownChoice dayPicker;
    private DropDownChoice monthPicker;
    private DropDownChoice yearPicker;

    private IModel day = new Model();
    private IModel month = new Model();
    private IModel year = new Model();

    public ComboDatePicker(String id) {
        super( id );

    public ComboDatePicker(String id, IModel model) {
        super( id, model );

    private void init() {
        setType( Date.class );

        add( dayPicker = newDropDownChoice( "day", day, getListDate() ) );
        add( monthPicker = newDropDownChoice( "month", month, getListMonth()
) );
        add( yearPicker = newDropDownChoice( "year", year, getListYears() )

    private DropDownChoice newDropDownChoice( String id, IModel model,
List<Integer> values ) {
        DropDownChoice menu = new DropDownChoice( id, model, values );
        menu.setType( Integer.class );
        menu.setRequired( true );
        return menu;

    public boolean checkRequired() {
        return true;

    protected void onAttach() {
        log.debug( "Attaching" );

        Date date = (Date)getModelObject();
        if( date != null ) {
            DateTime current = new DateTime( date );
            year.setObject ( current.getYear() );
            month.setObject( current.getMonthOfYear() );
            day.setObject( current.getDayOfMonth() );

    protected void convertInput() {
        log.debug( "Getting converted value" );

        // I got null with this
        //Integer dayHs = (Integer) dayPicker.getModelObject();
        //Integer monthHs = (Integer) monthPicker.getModelObject ();
        //Integer yearHs = (Integer) yearPicker.getModelObject();

        // I got indexes and not values
        Integer dayHs = (Integer) dayPicker.getConvertedInput();
        Integer monthHs = (Integer) monthPicker.getConvertedInput();
        Integer yearHs = (Integer) yearPicker.getConvertedInput ();

        log.debug( "Selected {}-{}-{}", new Integer[]{ yearHs, monthHs,
dayHs } );

        try {
            DateTime date = new DateTime( yearHs, monthHs, dayHs, 12, 0, 0,
0 );
            log.debug( "Selected date={}", date );
            setConvertedInput( date.toDate() );
        catch( Exception e ) {
            setConvertedInput( null );
            log.warn( "Unable to convert date", e );
//            error( getString( " error.badDateFormat" ) );

    // TODO Optimize!
    public List<Integer> getListDate() {
        List<Integer> days = new ArrayList<Integer>(31);

        for( int i = 1; i <= 31; i++ ) {
            days.add( Integer.valueOf( i ) );

        return days;

    // TODO Optimize!
    public List<Integer> getListMonth() {
        List<Integer> months = new ArrayList<Integer>(12);

        for( int i = 1; i <= 12; i++ ) {
            months.add( Integer.valueOf( i ) );

        return months;

    // TODO Optimize!
    public List<Integer> getListYears() {
        List<Integer> years = new ArrayList<Integer>(120);

        int currentYear = new DateTime().getYear();

        for( int i = 12; i <= 120; i++ ) {
            years.add( Integer.valueOf( currentYear - i ) );

        return years;


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