Ok. Actually my code already have ajaxrequest target, how do I use this

Also anyone know where the wicket extension and javadoc go after they move
their web site to apache?


On 8/3/07, Gerolf Seitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> maybe this is something for you:
> at
> http://wicketstuff.org/confluence/display/STUFFWIKI/Script.aculo.us+SortableListView
> what you could also do is the following:
> + add two ajaxbuttons "up" and "down" (or images)
> + change the position of the row-data in the backing list in the onSubmit
> method of the ajaxbuttons
> + add the parent container of the listview to the ajaxrequesttarget
> i haven't tried the approach myself, but maybe it's something to get you
> started.
> hth,
>   gerolf
> On 8/4/07, anita nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I have a list view (to do list sample) with AjaxEditableLabel.
> > But I also would like to be able to move the items on the list up or
> down.
> > Is that possible?
> >
> > Thanks
> >

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