> Q. a. Why isn't this stuff documented in more depth?  b. And why don't
> people answer every stupid little question I have.
> A. a. Wicketstuff-Dojo is still a fairly young project with people who
> are currently more into coding it for more functionality than
> documenting. You're certainly welcome to contribute. b. These
> volunteers aren't interested in doing your work for you! And they're
> busy. And your questions are sometimes dumb.

Note that wicket-stuff projects have a different status than the core
projects. We have one team member (JBQ) working on that project, but
the rest of us don't know much about it.

As for your remark about documentation... tbh I agree. We're trying to
keep the core projects well documented (though unfortunately there are
some slips in there as well lately) but we don't monitor the
wicket-stuff projects for such things.

> All that said, I'm considering going back to the approach of making my
own context menu from more low level components (actually a lot of the
work on that was already done by another guy at my company, but we
hoped to leverage something as cool and easy to integrate as  the
Wicketstuff-Dojo menu; but we have pretty stringent look-and-feel
demands, and while the Dojo stuff looks good, it isn't especially easy
to reconfigure...)

The good about that is that you'll have exactly what you need.



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