On 8/8/07, Alexander Schatten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings to all Wicket experts
> I try to get Wicket running for some rather simple web-application.
> First (no offense, but have to say that), Wicket has the worst
> documentation of an apparently good open source project I have seen in a
> long time; and this is really a pity, because it seems, that if one
> would know how to do it, many things can be performed quite easily.

have you seen the wiki?

Now to my current issue: I want to add a loginpage to my project and
> protect some of the pages.
> My first thought was to make a base class (worked) and somehow hook into
> the lifecycle, check if the user is checked in (MySessio works) but this
> is not running at all. lot of redirection errors, incoherent
> documentation and so on. e.g.:

have you started by checking out Signin, Signin2, Authentication,
Authorization examples in wicket-examples?

Javadoc 1.3 of Page talks about "checkAccess()" method... however, this
> methdod can be found nowhere.

yes the javadoc is outdated, fixed

Now I check the mailing list archive, only useful thing I find is a
> posting from 9.2.2006 suggesting:
> protected void init()
>      {
>          getSecuritySettings().setAuthorizationStrategy(new
> IAuthorizationStrategy()
>          {
>              public boolean authorizeAction(...) ...
>              public boolean authorizeInstantiation(...) ...
>      }
> starting with 1.2. Well, this interface is still here, but these methods
> are not available any longer.
> There is no documentation about this strategy I could find and the
> Javadoc (which is btw. not linked from the wicket website, and just this
> made me search for an hour) is very unconclusive.

we are working on linking the javadoc...you do know wicket is a maven
project right? so there is of course javadoc in the maven repo:


further, since it is open source simply attach the sources to your ide and
you are set.
if you are using maven2 and eclipse add the wicket dep to your pom and do
mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true - and you are all set.

now that you have found IAuthorizationStrategy have you even looked at it?
for example have you pulled up its class hieararchy to see an example
implementation? for example when i do it it leads me directly to
SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy - which will probably get you started - even
if you havent looked at the 4 examples i have mentioned.

btw. another thing: when the documentation of a project is so bad, at
> least the javadoc should be accessible: I tried to build mvn site with
> wicket and got the error that you use a special template or somthing and
> it does not build, and this template is apparently not in the repository

yes working on that too. maven2 site generation is a pita and eats up a lot
of time to get working.

sorry, but Wicket experience was far away from beeing pleasent. I am
> quite willing to check several sources, but this here is really bad.

have you gotten the Pro Wicket book?

outdated information is not easy to distinguish from actual
> documentation, the reference to the component doc is nice, but component
> doc very incomplete and so on...

you are more then welcome to help out.

Wicket seems to be a quite productive and powerful framework (one of the
> best I have seen so far, at least so it seems), but getting into it is a
> damn frustrating experience, I can tell you...

you are meant to look at examples first. they cover all the basic usecases.
learn-by-example has been our philosophy so far.

(I did not even know where to start. happyily there is a maven archetype
> at the Jetty website which was helpful.)

So, sorry for that outburst, but I was so frustrated...

no problem


best greetings
> Alex
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